Life in Half a Second
by Matthew Michalewicz

  • Personal Development
  • Ashto = 8/10
  • Jonesy = 7/10
life in half a second


What You Will Learn from The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking

“The tragedy of life isn’t that we only have half a second. The tragedy is that we waste it.

Planet Earth is over 4.5 billion years old and Homo sapiens are 200,000 years old. If we scaled down the existence of Planet Earth to 1 year, Homo sapiens would’ve been around for 23 minutes. On that timeline, our life would only amount to half a second.

Written by Australian entrepreneur Matthew Michalewicz, Life in Half a Second is filled with fact-based formulas to help you flourish in your personal and professional lives. A proven path to success, this book was based on numerous studies and years of research. So, this week, Ashto and Jonesy learn 5 important elements for achieving more success in our short lives: clarity, desire, belief, knowledge, and action.

Time seems limitless when we are children, but as we grow older, we realise that we spend most of our lives doing things we think we should do. We only have half a second to achieve our dreams, so we should act now. Don’t waste time waiting and deferring – the clock is ticking for all of us.

Ashto and Jonesy interviewed Matthew Michalewicz and he shared a free sample of the book (including the introduction and first chapter) for our listeners.


The First Door: Clarity Key – Setting Precise Goals (Visualisation)

People don’t fail in life because they aim too high or low, but because they don’t aim at all. Setting goals create the phenomenon of ‘Reticular Activation’ – a fancy name for your ability to filter irrelevant information and concentrate on the essentials. When you visualise the act, your brain tells your neurons to perform the act, creating a neural pathway that primes your body in a way consistent with what you imagined. Challenge yourself and put your goal down on paper now. What’s the point of reading further? Share your goals with people – research shows that people who do so are more likely to succeed.


The Second Door: Desire – Aligning Goals

Why do you fail and others succeed? Choose goals that are aligned with your values.

When we are young and unconditioned, we put our dreams into a dream box. Future is bright in adolescence, our heart races when we think of tomorrow. As we get older, we don’t have time to open it anymore. Our dreams get locked away in a “dream box” that we don’t have time to open anymore. Eventually, we become too old, tired, and busy to remember our dreams, and we get stuck in routine thinking.

Don’t miss your destiny in life. What would you do if you have 10 million dollars? What could you do if you couldn’t fail?

The Third Door: Belief – Changing environment

Belief is a powerful force that can shape our reality. In a study, patients who received a fake knee surgery improved just as much as those who received the real surgery, showcasing the power of the placebo effect. Conversely, the “nocebo” effect shows that believing something harmful can create actual harm.

Our beliefs can act like a lid on a jar, limiting our potential until we adjust our mindset. Jim Rohn’s idea that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with highlights the importance of surrounding ourselves with positive influences. Ultimately, what we put into our minds can shape our beliefs and influence our ability to achieve our goals.


The Fourth Door: Knowledge – Investing in Self

‘Everything in life is easier if you know how to do it’. The door of knowledge isn’t about which path you take, it’s about knowing their characteristics. Knowledge gives you confidence. Learn the steps to reach your goals. Invest in yourself, because it’s worth it.

What is your exchange rate between life and cash? Do you want a better exchange rate? To become wealthy, you need to own something. Invest in real estate or stocks, start a business, write a book, or do something that allows you to become an owner. Working for someone else will not make you wealthy.


The Fifth Door: Action – Conquering Your Fear

To achieve success, you must take action. Fear is often what holds people back from taking action, but it’s necessary to step out of your comfort zone to succeed. To overcome fear, you must change your association with it. For example, if you fear rejection when making a call, instead focus on the potential success it could bring. Ask yourself, “Will I regret not trying at all or failing after trying?”


Get Your Copy of Life in Half a Second by Matthew Michalewicz